Overview of Blue Economy and the role RAS Systems can have in food production and sustainability; in cooperation with Sterner AS
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BOKU is one of the most prestigious sciences universities in Europe, distinguished by its holistic approach to research and teaching. Several BOKU graduates are employed at SAN Group in the
As the world's leading trade fair, EuroTier presents the most important innovations, products and services for the breeding and keeping of farm animals. The focus is on beef, pork, poultry,
VIV Asia is the biggest and most complete feed to food event in Asia, dedicated to the world of livestock production, animal husbandry and all related sectors: From feed production, to anima
The PraxisBörse is the central job and career fair of the University of Göttingen - on two consecutive days of the fair, more than 100 exhibiting companies meet approximately 6,500 students,
The PraxisBörse is the central job and career fair of the University of Göttingen - on two consecutive days of the fair, more than 100 exhibiting companies meet approximately 6,500 students,
VIV MEA is the major B2B event for animal husbandry in the Middle East. It is a truly regional hub, hosted in the U.A.E. but attracting professionals from the whole region, with around 70% o
Poultry farming is one of the most advanced and sound sectors of intensive livestock farming and with the greatest capacity to generate and absorb scientific knowledge, as its extraordinary
SBSS was created 15 years ago to contribute to the improvement of veterinarians, zootechnicians, consultants, researchers, agroindustry professionals, producers and other professionals invol