The event aims to provide an opportunity for members of the European turkey industry, suppliers and ancilliary bodies to update on the latest scientific developments and production trends.
Wir laden interessierte Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte herzlich zum 3. AniCon Diagnostik-Workshop Geflügel am 27. und 28. März 2023 in unser Labor nach Höltinghausen ein.
European Symposium of Porcine Health Management has been widely acknowledged as an excellent opportunity for networking, both professionally and socially. It will provide the attendees with
The congress is jointly organized by the German Buiatrics Association within the German Veterinary Medical Society (DVG – GVMS) and the European College of Bovine Health Management and addre
The biocontrol industry continues solid growth and is keenly awaiting the chance to interact within ABIM. As an unrivalled meeting place for the biocontrol industry, ABIM is internationally
The Leipzig Veterinary Congress is the biggest event for veterinary medicine in the German-speaking area. It is only in Leipzig that veterinarians from all professional areas can find a prof