Young professionals have finished their education and have up to three years of practical experience in a field of expertise relevant for us. In general, you can immediately start your job with us with an unlimited contract. Just go to our list of open positions and filter for career level "Young Professionals" to get an overview of our latest career opportunities.
A-Level exams / Bachelor's degree
e.g., R+D Technicians, Laboratory Technicians, Production Associates, Quality Control Assistants, Accountants, IT Support, Marketing Assistants
Master’s degree
e.g., R+D Associates, Product Managers, Quality Control Associates, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Marketing Manager
e.g., Product Managers, Scientists, Project Leaders, Senior Researchers
Having a good start
Starting with a new company, especially if you’re not yet very experienced in the professional world yet, may be accompanied by a lot of questions and some insecurities. To give everybody the very best start into their new role, we offer structured onboarding with an orientation training for new colleagues to learn about SAN Group and our processes. For technical positions, special training sessions are scheduled as well. In our experience questions pop up along the way, and therefore, the direct superior, the team, and the human resources department are the first points of contact. As we practice an open-door culture, it’s easy to ask questions or to reach out for a helping hand.
Your personal development
It is in our mutual interest to develop young professionals into experienced professionals. This is why we tend to hand over responsibility very early – learning by doing in interesting projects is still the best way to progress. Still, experienced colleagues are always available to assist. That’s how you can live your passion for innovation at SAN Group.
Learning & Development
Companies are only as good as the people working for them. Therefore, training and developing our work force is one important key to our success. Starting from onboarding, to regular in-house trainings on systems, products, and work safety, through to external trainings on social or leadership skills, such as INSEAD, as well as post-graduate training, participation in congresses, conferences, and industry fairs – we provide our employees with a lot that they can profit from.
Annual Career Assessment (ACAM)
The ACAM is the basis for your personal development plan at SAN Group. In this annual meeting, employee and superior revise the old and set new professional targets. They also assess if any training measures are necessary to support the employee in reaching the goals.
For positions requiring special technical and social skills (e.g., Product Managers, Technical Sales Managers, Sales Managers, Team Leaders, etc.) additional courses are provided. They are designed as a set of trainings to support our experts in being successful in their jobs and progressing in their development. SAN Group also offers language courses – regardless of whether an employee is taking over new responsibilities in another country and wants to be trained in or improve their knowledge of the local language, or if a position requires polishing up one’s English skills (our global corporate language).
Individual learning & development
Based on the 70 / 20 / 10 learning and development model we offer measures for individual learning and progression, as required for the individual development: e.g., job enrichment, participation in organizational projects, and classic on-site training sessions.
Coaching and employee assistance program
We want our employees to be prepared for the challenges in their professional lives. For example, if someone is to take over leadership responsibility, or feels the need for support in a challenging project, we offer 1:1 coaching sessions in individual cases. In Europe, we offer general employee assistance in cooperation with external partner organizations. These organizations also provide support during challenging times in our employees’ private lives.
As a globally operating company, many of our employees are developed from within the organization. A mid- or long-term development plan may also include the need to move to another country to either expand the employee’s expertise, to establish know-how transfer from one subsidiary to another, or to work on a certain project. We offer all the support necessary to make any transition as smooth as possible.
Quite a few of our employees continue their studies or diploma courses during their time at SAN Group or start complementary studies to increase their expertise in a certain field. Especially in our R&D departments it is quite common to do a bachelor, master, or PhD degree while working with us. But also in other areas like e.g., marketing, finance or human resources, we have examples of successfully completed MBA or diploma studies done while working for us.
If additional education is in the interest of SAN Group, we certainly provide various models to support our employees financially or with time credits.

When I joined SAN Group in March 2021, I was super excited to gather deeper experience in Human Resources. Still, I always wanted to gain theoretical knowledge through studying at a university. That’s why I decided to start a master's program, “Human Resources Management, Leadership and Organization,” in addition to my full-time job. I don’t want to lie - it’s really challenging, but my job as HR Manager gives me the needed flexibility to cope with both challenges. I would definitely do it again, as working beside studying is a perfect combination to transfer theoretical knowledge into the day-to-day practical work.