Photovoltaic system on over 5,000 sqm
SAN Group uses the power of the sun for its photovoltaic system on the roof of the industrial park BusinesS33. It was put into operation in mid-February, and will supply the hydrogen production of SAN Group and SAN Biotech Park in the future.
Since mid-February, 1,996 photovoltaic modules have produced approx. 750kWp on a roof area of more than 5,000 sqm, helping to reduce a large amount of CO2 and contributing to a sustainable future. This photovoltaic system could supply about 110 households per year. In the future, SAN Group’s in-house hydrogen production will be supplied by this sun-generated energy, as well as SAN Biotech Park, which will be finished in 2023 in Herzogenburg, Lower Austria.
“Space resources are precious. Whenever solar systems are established on fertile open spaces or farmland, they totally vanish from agricultural production, and are not available for food production. SAN Group’s rooftop panels make perfect use of the space, and additionally cover its own energy needs in a sustainable way,” says Erich Erber, president and founder of SAN Group.